The importance of Velcro fastening for hemiplegic patients

Ine Goutry, shoe technician
Nov 3, 2021
For most people, tying one’s shoes is a matter of course. But for many people treated at House of Feet, this is not the case.
When discussing the shoes, we carefully consider the best way of fastening the shoes.
Following the anamnesis, we set out to find the right fastening together with the patient. Options include Velcro, (elastic) laces, zippers or a combination.
As orthopaedic shoe technologists, we depart from the option of laces. Laces ensure that the pressure is nicely distributed across the instep of the foot. As such, the shoe can be made to properly fit the foot.
If laces only is not an option, we can work with zippers alongside the laces. This retains the most important benefit of laces: the shoe can always be adjusted to the swelling of the foot. And the addition of the zippers makes it a little bit easier for the patient to get into or out of the shoe.
If neither of these options are applicable, we may opt for Velcro. This is a suitable option for patients with hemiplegia, rheumatoid arthritis and such.
In view of fall prevention, Velcro fastenings are applied laterally. Medially positioned Velcro can get entangled, which may cause the patient to trip. This needs to be avoided at all times.
In the case of hemiplegic patients, it can be impossible to tighten Velcro fastenings. To remedy this problem, we can position them in the same direction. This involves positioning the fastening laterally for the left foot and medially for the right, or vice versa.
Do these problems ring true for your patients? Get in touch via our chat box or contact form.

Velcro is a suitable option for patients with hemiplegia, rheumatoid arthritis and such.
House of Feet’s professional team is ready to assist and provide advice.
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