
Silicone toe orthoses relieves plantar pressure on toe tips

Arno Raes - House of Feet Pro

Arno Raes, Podiatrist

9 March 2022

Silicone toe orthoses can be used during podiatric treatments for a variety of purposes.

Their main purpose is to optimise pressure distribution and reduce friction but they can also have a positive effect in muscle spasms of the toe flexors.

A subdiaphysical toe orthosis fills the space at the base of the toes and can be provided for 1 or more toes. Depending on mobility, a supportive or corrective orthosis is chosen. In case of sufficient mobility in the proximal and distal toe joint, the orthosis is made in such a way that the toes are corrected in loaded position. If no or insufficient mobility is present, the space underneath is also filled, lifting the toe tips from the surface of the floor.

A combination of callus removal and custom digital orthotic relieve plantar pressure on the toe tips[1]. Since increased plantar pressure significantly increases the risk of neuropathic ulceration, this treatment can certainly be considered in appropriate patients.

[1] Slater RA, Hershkowitz I, Ramot Y, Buchs A, Rapoport MJ. Reduction of digital plantar pressure by debridement and silicone orthosis. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2006 Dec;74(3):263-6. doi: 10.1016/j.diabres.2006.04.006. Epub 2006 Jun 5. PMID: 16740335.

Claisse PJ, Binning J, Potter J. Effect of orthotic therapy on claw toe loading: results of significance testing at pressure sensor units. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc. 2004 May-Jun;94(3):246-54. doi: 10.7547/0940246. PMID: 15153586.


A combination of callus removal and custom digital orthotic relieve plantar pressure on the toe tips.


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