A hammertoe should not be a daily obstacle

Anneleen Van Hecke, Shoe technician
4 May 2022
Hammer toes occur when one or more toes of the three middle toes grow together. Over time, the phalanges of the toes grow crooked, creating a shape resembling a hammer.
This patient came to us after suffering from a hollow foot (pedes cavo-vari) and pronounced hammer toes.

Severe discomfort due to hollow foot
The pronounced high instep and hammer toes caused continuous friction in his work shoes, which of course resulted in the necessary problems in performing his job.
In order to help this patient with his complaints, we designed a high-toed boot. We made the footbed out of a soft material and a retrocapital bar for maximum support of the foot.
The patient is relieved
The patient’s face showed relief. Pain-free return to work at last!
Patients who are entitled to orthopaedic shoes via their health insurance fund are also entitled to a pair of custom-made safety shoes via the VDAB if their work requires them.
Orthopaedic safety shoes make work a lot more pleasant, safer and more comfortable for people with foot problems.

The professional team of House of Feet is ready to help and advise you.
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